Research Center for Climate Change
Universitas Negeri Padang

Chairman of RCCC had an audience with UPSI Malaysia Climate Change Expert

Chairman of the Research Center for Climate Change, Padang State University, Dr. Nofi Yendri Sudiar, S.Si, M.Sc, representing the RCCC UNP had an audience with the Associate Professor. Dr. Mohammad Hairy bin Ibrahim, last Wednesday, 30/11/22. Located at Hotel Santika Padang, Nofi accompanied by the Coordinator of the Division of Reesearch Socialization and Publication, Mohammad Isa Gautama, S.Pd., M.Si met face to face for about two hours and attempted to establish the basics of research collaboration and publication with the Climatology expert.

Professor Hairy, who is a Professor at the Faculty of Science and Humanities, Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) visited West Sumatra accompanied by his wife, Associate Professor. Dr. Mazlini Binti Adnan, lecturer (lecturer) at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, UPSI. According to his narrative, while carrying out the main mission of monitoring and evaluating the Educational Field Experience Practices which are being carried out by 4 of his students, two each at SMAN 2 Padang and SMA Pembangunan UNP, he and his wife spent a week in West Sumatra, especially Padang, in order to strengthen academic networks and design potential collaborations with various related parties and institutions, including the RCCC UNP.

As is widely known, UPSI is the only University of Education in Malaysia but its departments have been growing not only in the realm of education. Based on the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking, UPSI occupies the 800-1000 world position for 2023, and occupies the 301-400 world position in terms of impact ranking. While at the Asian level, UPSI is ranked 164th. This confirms UPSI's reputation as a leading university in ASEAN and it is not wrong if UNP has had an MoU for the past few years and is actively collaborating in the field of research with UNP.

In this first series of talks, Prof. Hairy, who was ever held the position of Dean (Dean) at UPSI's Faculty of Science and Humanity, fully supports the planned research collaboration with RCCC. Some of the ideas that came up in this quick yet warm meeting were ideas regarding research on the quality of air layers using drones. Equally important and urgent is the suggestion that Prof. Hairy became one of the editorial board of the forerunner of the scientific journal RCCC. For this he was immediately enthusiastic and welcomed the offer.

Furthermore, Prof. Hairy sincerely invites RCCC to work with his team to conduct comparative air quality research in Padang and Kuala Lumpur. This potential collaboration can be done by combining equipment that is already available in the weather equipment laboratory at UPSI and drones that are already at UNP. For your information, Dr. Nofi Yendri Sudiar is Chair of the West Sumatra Drone Pilots Association, and already has a license as a drone pilot.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Hairy invites the UNP RCCC to visit UPSI in the future with the main agenda of signing the MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) as a concrete follow-up that will provide an umbrella for future research collaborations. [MIG]