The Research Center for Climate Change, Universitas Negeri Padang, which is a Study Center that focuses on studying climate change impacts and solutions, held a public lecture, Friday, 8/18/2023. Taking place in the FMIPA UNP hall building, RCCC proudly presents Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hairy bin Ibrahim, an expert on climate change who has had experience in the international academic world.
Assoc. Prof. Hairy, who is a lecturer and researcher in the Geography department, Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia, performed a presentation entitled Climate Changes, Human Resilience and Sustainability.The public lecture was attended by around 200 lecturers, researchers and students majoring in Physics and Physics Education, FMIPA UNP, as well as enthusiasts of climate change issues.
Through his paper, Assoc. Prof. Hairy stressed the importance of resilience from all elements of society to jointly prepare all resources to face the dynamics of climate change. As is known, climate change is now a phenomenon that occurs everywhere, and the indicators of change are always increasing all the time.
In the discussion session, the students asked about the Malaysian government's policies on dealing with climate change so far. Assoc. Prof. Hairy explained, in Malaysia at certain hours it is forbidden for people to gather outside their homes, especially during the seasons when the dynamics of climate change are peaking. Next, in many big cities in Malaysia, systems have been built that meet disaster mitigation and climate change requirements that are integrated with all available infrastructure.
Di akhir presentasinya, Assoc. Prof. Hairy juga menawarkan berbagai program kolaborasi yang sangat terbuka untuk dilakukan antara UPSI dengan UNP. Salah satunya adalah Summer Camp (Kemah musim panas) yang bisa diadakan di beberapa lokasi di Sumatera Barat, seperti Payakumbuh, Bukittinggi, Solok dan Batusangkar. “Ini sangat berguna, agar mahasiswa dan peneliti langsung berhadapan dengan alam, mencatat segala sesuatu yang dapat dijadikan sumber data awal untuk penelitian, di samping mempromosikan pariwisata tentunya,” demikian Assoc. Prof. Hairy.
While in Padang, Assoc. Prof. Hairy was also perform as the key-note speaker for Focus Group Discussion activities and Journal article Workshops. Both activities were held on Tuesday and Wednesday (15 and 16 August 2023) at FMIPA UNP. Present directly at the two activities, the Head of the UNP Research and Community Service Institute, Prof. Yohandri, Ph. The audience is lecturers and researchers, especially those with a scientific background in exact sciences.
Dr. Nofi Yendri Sudiar, as the Head of RCCC UNP, in his remarks welcomed the presence of Assoc. Prof. Hairy to Padang and UNP. The presence of Assoc. Prof. Hairy is expected to open up opportunities to carry out collaborative research and service that can involve lecturers and students concretely in the coming semesters